Fun fact I just learned: Gay Head is a woman! I'm not sure why, but I always pictured Gay Head as a man. It's kind of shaking my world. Also, once Gay Head went on to better things, other people wrote under Gay Head's name. The next thing you'll tell me is that Nancy Drew wasn't written by Carolyn Keene.
Boy Dates Girl (my edition - 1962). From the back cover:
Those three words, BOY DATES GIRL, can run into hundreds of questions. In this book, we tackle those you've asked most often. We look at your individual problems: Which is the salad fork? Is it all right to "dutch date"? And we dig into basic issues: What makes a successful person What makes a successful party?

But the real winner, for title alone, is Etiquette for Young Moderns (1954). My copy of this is water-stained, falling apart, probably moldy, but I could never throw anything away with so awesome a title. From the intro:
"Etiquette--that's just fluff!" Hank exclaimed when his sister Sylvia, chided him for not holding open the front door for her. "If you ask me, I'll take brains and ability--and skip the manners--to show what a person's worth."Whoa there, Hank! The person who has brains and ability without good manners may never get a chance to provide his worth. His poor manners will antagonize others--both in business and social activities.
And that's straight from Gay Head! Just to recap: Hee, Gay Head. And I'm six.