Showing posts with label Catalog Card. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Catalog Card. Show all posts
Treasure Trouble by Janet Lambert (1949)
Who took the treasure map from the book where Christy had hidden it? Christy has a mystery on her hands. (from The Famous Janet Lambert Books for Girls listing on a back cover)
Summer of Surprise by Helen Reynolds (1960)
Not finish art school! Such a thing couldn't happen to her, Penny Warburton, could it? She had planned to spend this summer vacation in her usual leisurely fashion--riding her horse Goldie, swimming, and helping out in the family orchard. But helping out meant more than just picking fruit this year, for the crop was a failure. Penny has to find some way, somehow to make the money to cover her expenses for that senior year at art school.
Unexpectedly, Lyn, her neighbor, asks Penny to teach her pottery-making. Could an art studio be the answer to the problem of raising money? Lyn's friend, Susan, also wants to learn, so perhaps there are even others. Excited and a little frightened about the undertaking, Penny, with her family's approval, converts the drawing room into a studio for rug-weaving and pottery-making. But how much should she charge for instruction? Can she buy equipment reasonably? Will she be able to sell the ceramics? And how will she get more students?
In spite of her doubts, Penny's class grows as one neighbor tells another about it, and Penny is encouraged to advertise. She never expects her ad to produce a boarding student, but Tony Lestrange writes that he is willing to camp on the veranda, if he can become an expert at pottery-making and design. And, without even waiting for a reply from Penny, Tony barges in in his noisy sports car. Seeing Tony's Great Dane and squeaky violin, Penny Wishes he could camp -- elsewhere. However, Tony is there to stay.
Teaching is fun and creative, but it demands diplomatic skill as well. Conflicts and jealousies, common to every classroom, arise and Penny has to cope with varied personalities and talents; Susan, who is all thumbs; and Tony, brash, outspoken and, it appears, in love with Penny.
Conscientious Penny is determined to be successful. Exploring the possibilities of selling ceramics to Esselmont's Gift Shop, she meets handsome, young Garth Esselmont. Now, more than ever, Penny wants to return to art school in downtown Vancouver, for Garth is attending the university there.
As her arts and crafts conclude, Penny's goal seems more attainable. In reaching her goal, Penny reveals the understanding, warmth, and maturity that are some of the fruits of a wonderful summer--her summer of surprise. (from in the inside flap)
Unexpectedly, Lyn, her neighbor, asks Penny to teach her pottery-making. Could an art studio be the answer to the problem of raising money? Lyn's friend, Susan, also wants to learn, so perhaps there are even others. Excited and a little frightened about the undertaking, Penny, with her family's approval, converts the drawing room into a studio for rug-weaving and pottery-making. But how much should she charge for instruction? Can she buy equipment reasonably? Will she be able to sell the ceramics? And how will she get more students?
In spite of her doubts, Penny's class grows as one neighbor tells another about it, and Penny is encouraged to advertise. She never expects her ad to produce a boarding student, but Tony Lestrange writes that he is willing to camp on the veranda, if he can become an expert at pottery-making and design. And, without even waiting for a reply from Penny, Tony barges in in his noisy sports car. Seeing Tony's Great Dane and squeaky violin, Penny Wishes he could camp -- elsewhere. However, Tony is there to stay.
Teaching is fun and creative, but it demands diplomatic skill as well. Conflicts and jealousies, common to every classroom, arise and Penny has to cope with varied personalities and talents; Susan, who is all thumbs; and Tony, brash, outspoken and, it appears, in love with Penny.
Conscientious Penny is determined to be successful. Exploring the possibilities of selling ceramics to Esselmont's Gift Shop, she meets handsome, young Garth Esselmont. Now, more than ever, Penny wants to return to art school in downtown Vancouver, for Garth is attending the university there.
As her arts and crafts conclude, Penny's goal seems more attainable. In reaching her goal, Penny reveals the understanding, warmth, and maturity that are some of the fruits of a wonderful summer--her summer of surprise. (from in the inside flap)
Halfpenny Linda by Jean Nielsen (1963)
"You can't run away from yourself," Linda Duncan's father tells her one warm September night in Los Angeles as he puts her on a jet for London. Spoiled, stubborn Linda refuses to admit that it was her own carelessness and laziness that landed her on the "flunk" list at South Palms High the spring before. She's sure that in a different environment people will appreciate her more, and Aunt Iris, her mother's twin sister, has often invited her to spend a year with them in the London suburb of Upper Hinchley. So, with the help of her mother, who had never before let them see how homesick she was for England, Linda overcomes her father's objections to the plan.
Even before she is off the plane the next day, Linda begins to have uneasy suspicions that while London is as different as can be from Los Angeles, she still hasn't solved her problems. Her aunt and uncle and two cousins, Icy, a year older, and Roger, two years younger than herself, are kind and welcoming, but their quiet reserve makes them strange to her. She soon finds out that the Lady Phillipa Grammar School for Girls is just that--there are no boys. Furthermore, the students wear unbecoming uniforms and take their lessons most seriously.
During her first difficult days, her main comforts are Mrs. Maxwell, her aunt's housekeeper, and Kath Hollister, a fellow schoolmate. Like Linda, Kath prefers to look on the lighter side of life, but still she is level-headed. In spite of Kath's good-natured guidance, Linda makes one mistake after another until finally a row with her unsympathetic Maths teacher sends her storming to the American Embassy, determined to borrow money to fly home.
An understanding embassy aide encourages her to stay and be an ambassador for her country, and after that things become somewhat easier for Linda. The old monuments of London cause her to take a real interest in the study of history. At a Christmas reception at the Embassy, she finally meets some boys--Andy and Jack, American students at Cambridge. She meets them again in Scotland where she is enjoying vacation with her newly met grandparents, and in Cornwall where she goes for the spring holidays. The high point comes when the boys extend invitations to Linda, Kath, and Icy, too, for May Week at Cambridge.
There are many more surprises and discoveries in store for Linda before her year in the British Isles in over--among them the realization that hard work results in very satisfying rewards. (from the inside flap)
Even before she is off the plane the next day, Linda begins to have uneasy suspicions that while London is as different as can be from Los Angeles, she still hasn't solved her problems. Her aunt and uncle and two cousins, Icy, a year older, and Roger, two years younger than herself, are kind and welcoming, but their quiet reserve makes them strange to her. She soon finds out that the Lady Phillipa Grammar School for Girls is just that--there are no boys. Furthermore, the students wear unbecoming uniforms and take their lessons most seriously.
During her first difficult days, her main comforts are Mrs. Maxwell, her aunt's housekeeper, and Kath Hollister, a fellow schoolmate. Like Linda, Kath prefers to look on the lighter side of life, but still she is level-headed. In spite of Kath's good-natured guidance, Linda makes one mistake after another until finally a row with her unsympathetic Maths teacher sends her storming to the American Embassy, determined to borrow money to fly home.
An understanding embassy aide encourages her to stay and be an ambassador for her country, and after that things become somewhat easier for Linda. The old monuments of London cause her to take a real interest in the study of history. At a Christmas reception at the Embassy, she finally meets some boys--Andy and Jack, American students at Cambridge. She meets them again in Scotland where she is enjoying vacation with her newly met grandparents, and in Cornwall where she goes for the spring holidays. The high point comes when the boys extend invitations to Linda, Kath, and Icy, too, for May Week at Cambridge.
There are many more surprises and discoveries in store for Linda before her year in the British Isles in over--among them the realization that hard work results in very satisfying rewards. (from the inside flap)
High Hurdles by Janet Lambert (1955)
The glamour and excitement of the Horse Show in New York are dimmed by the absence of Rob Wayne. (from The Famous Janet Lambert Books for Girls listing on a back cover)
Summer Madness by Janet Lambert (1962)
Ginger Johnston, finishing her junior year at high school, is uneasy about the coming summer. Her main problem, or at least so Ginger thinks, is the change that she is convinced will have undoubtedly have taken place in Spark Plug Blake, the "boy next door," pal and now, college man. The last description of Spark Plug worries Ginger most. She has overheard conversations between her mother and Mrs. Blake that indicate that Spark Plug worries Ginger most. She has overheard conversations between her mother and Mrs. Blake that indicate that Spark Plug is romantically interested in a college classmate and has invited her to visit him during the vacation. Ginger decides that the only course of action against this unknown and sophisticated girl is unobtrusive, but constant attendance to Spark Plug throughout the summer.
While Ginger is working out the details of her campaign, her parents have also been struggling over a decision about the future that will change Ginger's plans, not only for the summer, but for a long time to come. Mr. Johnston is going to take a job in another city, and the family will have to move there.
This is the situation in which Ginger finds herself. Pulled between her loyalty and love for her parents and her devotion to Spark Plug, the emotional adjustment she is asked to make proves to be the biggest she has yet had to face. What is Ginger to do about Spark Plug, about her friends, about her whole way of life if her parents move away from Cheltham.
Janet Lambert, as always, writes with a sharp insight into the continually changing world of teen-agers and with a sympathetic understanding of the problems that young people must work out for themselves. (from the inside flap)
While Ginger is working out the details of her campaign, her parents have also been struggling over a decision about the future that will change Ginger's plans, not only for the summer, but for a long time to come. Mr. Johnston is going to take a job in another city, and the family will have to move there.
This is the situation in which Ginger finds herself. Pulled between her loyalty and love for her parents and her devotion to Spark Plug, the emotional adjustment she is asked to make proves to be the biggest she has yet had to face. What is Ginger to do about Spark Plug, about her friends, about her whole way of life if her parents move away from Cheltham.
Janet Lambert, as always, writes with a sharp insight into the continually changing world of teen-agers and with a sympathetic understanding of the problems that young people must work out for themselves. (from the inside flap)
Boy Wanted by Janet Lambert (1959)
In this captivating novel, Janet Lambert once again proves her gift for telling a lively story with warmth and rare insight into the world of young moderns.
Beautiful Patty Palmer was demanded and totally self-centered. Her best friend, Ginger Johnston, was a cheerful second-fiddle, absorbed in other people and the world around her. As sophomores in high school, they were wondering about popularity, personality--and boys.
Patty didn't like it when her brother compared her unfavorably to Ginger but she had to admit that both boys and girls preferred Ginger to her. Nor could Patty understand Ginger's interest in "Spark Plug" Baker who concentrated on his 1914 touring car far more than he did on Ginger.
Tim Ford was a different matter. Patty thought that she and Tim were practically steadies, and when Tim didn't share her feelings, she blamed Ginger.
The story of how Ginger takes her first step in emotional independence from Patty, and how the girls learn to evaluate their friendship will delight all teenagers. (from the inside flap)
Beautiful Patty Palmer was demanded and totally self-centered. Her best friend, Ginger Johnston, was a cheerful second-fiddle, absorbed in other people and the world around her. As sophomores in high school, they were wondering about popularity, personality--and boys.
Patty didn't like it when her brother compared her unfavorably to Ginger but she had to admit that both boys and girls preferred Ginger to her. Nor could Patty understand Ginger's interest in "Spark Plug" Baker who concentrated on his 1914 touring car far more than he did on Ginger.
Tim Ford was a different matter. Patty thought that she and Tim were practically steadies, and when Tim didn't share her feelings, she blamed Ginger.
The story of how Ginger takes her first step in emotional independence from Patty, and how the girls learn to evaluate their friendship will delight all teenagers. (from the inside flap)
Green Eyes by Jean Nielsen (1955)
When Jan Morgan achieves the goal her heart is set on, being editor of the high school Argus, she nearly loses it by being "immature." It's true that she's a little younger than her classmates, and somehow has taken longer to grow up, but that isn't Jan's only problem. The other thing that bothers her is her family, in which she feels that her mother and her spoiled younger brother treat her like an unwanted outsider. But in her senior year Jan learns to trade "immature" loneliness and envy for responsibility and happiness, and she learns it mainly through her work on the Argus, which helps her begin to appreciate people: Dotty and Cassie, for instance, who show her that pretty girls aren't always unfriendly and superior; Mr. Larsen, who believes in her abilities; and Mrs. Abbott, who gives her a new philosophy and a hairdo to match.
Among all the friendly, warm-hearted people of Cascadeville, there are two who in very different ways become most important to Jan. Pete, the old town printer, conceals his affection for his new "assistant" beneath an acide wit, but his conviction that Jan will become a charming as well as an intelligent woman means even more to her than what he has to teach about newspapering. And there is Danny Mallory, the new boy in town, who turns out to be as much of a newspaper whiz as Jan herself, and with whom she has first a warm friendship, then a bitter rivalry.
The school year flies by faster than any year has ever gone for Jan, because it is filled to overflowing with fun and trouble. The happy school-bus trip to Seattle is followed by a miserable Christmas; the quarantine of which Jan is the heroine means that Danny is getting out the Argus much too well by himself; and the Valentine's Day excursion to Barren Mountain ends in a near-tragedy. But through it all Jan gradually becomes part of the community and of her family. She learns that printing the news is a responsibility as well as an exciting career, and decides once as for all that green-with-envy eyes can't see the full of life--that she is much better off to keep hers blue. She discovers, too, what depth of character underlies Danny Mallory's casual humor, and as this helps her get over her fear of boys and dates and parties, Jan's renewed friendship with him begins to deepen into something very special for them both. (from the inside flap)
Among all the friendly, warm-hearted people of Cascadeville, there are two who in very different ways become most important to Jan. Pete, the old town printer, conceals his affection for his new "assistant" beneath an acide wit, but his conviction that Jan will become a charming as well as an intelligent woman means even more to her than what he has to teach about newspapering. And there is Danny Mallory, the new boy in town, who turns out to be as much of a newspaper whiz as Jan herself, and with whom she has first a warm friendship, then a bitter rivalry.
The school year flies by faster than any year has ever gone for Jan, because it is filled to overflowing with fun and trouble. The happy school-bus trip to Seattle is followed by a miserable Christmas; the quarantine of which Jan is the heroine means that Danny is getting out the Argus much too well by himself; and the Valentine's Day excursion to Barren Mountain ends in a near-tragedy. But through it all Jan gradually becomes part of the community and of her family. She learns that printing the news is a responsibility as well as an exciting career, and decides once as for all that green-with-envy eyes can't see the full of life--that she is much better off to keep hers blue. She discovers, too, what depth of character underlies Danny Mallory's casual humor, and as this helps her get over her fear of boys and dates and parties, Jan's renewed friendship with him begins to deepen into something very special for them both. (from the inside flap)
Stardust for Jennifer by Jane S. McIlvaine (1956)
Beginning from her first year at Briar College Jennifer looks forward to another summer of work on the Collingwood Herald, and dates with Jim, the boy next door. Instead she finds that the usually peaceful town has exploded with excitement over the coming of a Hollywood film company. the director, Jerret Pelham, explains that he is to make a movie based on the experiences of the newspaper and Jennifer's first summer as its cub reporter.
Disappointed over Jim's sudden decision to work on a research project in New York, jennifer is caught up in the glitter of notoriety and the easy association with the famous stars, Sarina Swift and Jon Wiley--who are to play the roles of Jennifer and Jim. Then Jennifer, on her horse Chance, doubles for Sarina in a jumping sequence for the movie, gets her picture in Life and appears with Jon on a popular television program. She begins to feel as if she is on a merry-go-round, whirling faster and faster until the familiar details of life are nothing but a blur.
The dazzling effect of the unaccustomed publicity on the town, Jennifer and Jim brings unexpected complications yet Jennifer does not regret her brush with Hollywood. For it has given her greater perspective, a new humility, and she sees that she has grown up considerably during this exciting, if tempestuous, summer. (from the inside flap)
Disappointed over Jim's sudden decision to work on a research project in New York, jennifer is caught up in the glitter of notoriety and the easy association with the famous stars, Sarina Swift and Jon Wiley--who are to play the roles of Jennifer and Jim. Then Jennifer, on her horse Chance, doubles for Sarina in a jumping sequence for the movie, gets her picture in Life and appears with Jon on a popular television program. She begins to feel as if she is on a merry-go-round, whirling faster and faster until the familiar details of life are nothing but a blur.
The dazzling effect of the unaccustomed publicity on the town, Jennifer and Jim brings unexpected complications yet Jennifer does not regret her brush with Hollywood. For it has given her greater perspective, a new humility, and she sees that she has grown up considerably during this exciting, if tempestuous, summer. (from the inside flap)
Three's a Crowd by Marie McSwigan (1953)
"Say," Janet turned to her twin. "Let's get those books and get out of here." She would delay no longer.
"She can't be late getting home," Joby thought. "She doesn't want to miss Zip's call."
Zip again. The name was short and sharp like a clasp knife. Just thinking about it drove it home in her heart. (from the back cover)
"She can't be late getting home," Joby thought. "She doesn't want to miss Zip's call."
Zip again. The name was short and sharp like a clasp knife. Just thinking about it drove it home in her heart. (from the back cover)
Julie's Heritage by Catherine Marshall (1957)
The spotlight fell on Julie, a dark dark girl in a pure-white dress. She stepped forward and clasped her hands.
"Swing low, sweet chario-ot .." Suddenly, miraculously, the turmoil of the dance was gone. The darkened room, her classmates, the band playing its soft accompaniment behind her, all became a part of the song -- her song, the song of her people. It was almost as if she were not Julie Brownell, but instead all those who had suffered before her, all those yet to come. Julie had realized her heritage. (from the back cover)
"Swing low, sweet chario-ot .." Suddenly, miraculously, the turmoil of the dance was gone. The darkened room, her classmates, the band playing its soft accompaniment behind her, all became a part of the song -- her song, the song of her people. It was almost as if she were not Julie Brownell, but instead all those who had suffered before her, all those yet to come. Julie had realized her heritage. (from the back cover)
Saturday Night by Marjorie Holmes (1959)
Carly is wearing a green Paisley skirt and an off-the-shoulder peasant blouse which she has bought with the first pay from her job at Deal's general store in the little Midwest town of Windy Lake. She is a junior in high school, but somehow her girl friends have outgrown her. She is timid adn feels left out of their fun, but she is terribly eager for life. Especially for whatever strange thrill may lie in wait for her during the hours of this magical Saturday night. "Something might turn up," she says when her mother asks her why she has changed to her new clothes. And, sure enough, something does, "turn up": Danny Keller discovers her.
Danny is the most popular boy in town, a Peter Pan who won't grow up, with faunlike ears and merry, carefree chatter. He takes her to the Copper Kettle, where the high school crowd hangs out, for grilled cheese and a Coke. Carly knows that the really popular girls have in turn all been his steady dates, but he sweeps her off her feet and she now becomes "his girl." As such, she finds that she has become popular ... she belongs. She feels, however, a strange misgiving in the welcome she receives from the others, and her forebodings prove to be all too well founded.
Much of the action of the story centers about the lake, beautiful, fascinating, but able to assume a dark and tragic aspect too, as Carly learns to her horror.
The reader who follows this typically American girl through the experiences of her first love will learn, as she learns, the truth of what her father says to her: "Hurt is simply a part of growing up. It's as inescapable as -- as cutting teeth." (from the inside flap)
Danny is the most popular boy in town, a Peter Pan who won't grow up, with faunlike ears and merry, carefree chatter. He takes her to the Copper Kettle, where the high school crowd hangs out, for grilled cheese and a Coke. Carly knows that the really popular girls have in turn all been his steady dates, but he sweeps her off her feet and she now becomes "his girl." As such, she finds that she has become popular ... she belongs. She feels, however, a strange misgiving in the welcome she receives from the others, and her forebodings prove to be all too well founded.
Much of the action of the story centers about the lake, beautiful, fascinating, but able to assume a dark and tragic aspect too, as Carly learns to her horror.
The reader who follows this typically American girl through the experiences of her first love will learn, as she learns, the truth of what her father says to her: "Hurt is simply a part of growing up. It's as inescapable as -- as cutting teeth." (from the inside flap)
Senior Trip by Marjorie Holmes (1962)
"Our treasurer reports that we have exactly one dollar and fifteen cents in the treasury. Despite this dismal fact, we voted unanimously to undertake a trip of eleven hundred miles to Washington, D.C., next spring."
What a wonderful, crazy idea! For Fran, president of the senior class, it meant headaches, hard work ... and romance! (from the back cover)
What a wonderful, crazy idea! For Fran, president of the senior class, it meant headaches, hard work ... and romance! (from the back cover)
Sorority Girl by Anne Emery (1952)
"I hereby pledge myself not to become part of any secret society at Sherwood High School." Signed, Jean Burnaby.
But the Nightingales were different -- a service auxiliary. So they said.
"Frankly, I think you'd better let it alone," said her mother.
"This is something every girl in school wants to be," Jean said, "every single girl! Do you realize they take only about twenty or twenty-five girls a year? And they're choosing me!"
Another story about the Burnaby family. (from the back cover)
But the Nightingales were different -- a service auxiliary. So they said.
"Frankly, I think you'd better let it alone," said her mother.
"This is something every girl in school wants to be," Jean said, "every single girl! Do you realize they take only about twenty or twenty-five girls a year? And they're choosing me!"
Another story about the Burnaby family. (from the back cover)
Senior Year by Anne Emery (1949)
"The most awful thing ..." exclaimed Sally tragically. At the very beginning of her senior year -- the year that was to be best of all -- her best friend goes off to another school. Dependable Scotty starts dating someone else. Sally finds herself a party fifth wheel. Everything goes wrong, until Sally begins to discover -- Sally. (from the back cover)
Scarlet Royal by Anne Emery (1952)
The only thing in Margo's life that really counted was the horses themselves: riding them, hunting, showing, caring for them, loving them. Especially her own horse, Scarlet Royal -- hers until the wealthy Cranshaws offered more than the struggling Macintyre's could afford to refuse. Be nice to the Cranshaws, her mother said. How could she like Ginevra Cranshaw, who went off with her beloved horse and her best boy friend?
A story of sportsmanship and courage by the author of Senior Year. (from the back cover)
A story of sportsmanship and courage by the author of Senior Year. (from the back cover)
High Note, Low Note by Anne Emery (1954)
Senior year -- the year of College Boards, of college plans, of scholarship applications. Jean's last chance to improve her grades, to win recognition at Sherwood High School. The last year to be with her friends -- especially Jeff, and Kim, and Scotty. No wonder Jean has trouble keeping her mind on the music scholarship and all her fine beginning-of-the-school-year plans.
Another delightful story about the Burnaby family. (from the back cover)
Another delightful story about the Burnaby family. (from the back cover)
Going Steady by Anne Emery (1950)
This was Sally Burnaby's first inkling that the world does not stop for couples in love ... that there is another side to every "happily ever after" story. (from the back cover)
Dinny Gordon, Sophomore by Anne Emery (1961)
When Dinny Gordon's friend Sue breaks up with attractive Curt Beauregard, Dinny finds herself confused and undecided for the first time in her well-planned life. No boy had ever really interested her until Curt came on the scene. And she knows he likes her, too. But suppose Sue decides to make up with him?
Curt becomes very attentive to Dinny, and as she wrestles with this pleasant problem, who more agreeable young men seek dates with "Dateless Dinny."
The young lady herself, feeling rather breathless, suddenly is presented with an opportunity to give up that irritating title, and in a way that delights her impish imagination.
"As absorbing to teen-agers as their best friend's diary, this will sit solidly with the love and romance department." -- Virginia Kirkus (from the back cover)
Curt becomes very attentive to Dinny, and as she wrestles with this pleasant problem, who more agreeable young men seek dates with "Dateless Dinny."
The young lady herself, feeling rather breathless, suddenly is presented with an opportunity to give up that irritating title, and in a way that delights her impish imagination.
"As absorbing to teen-agers as their best friend's diary, this will sit solidly with the love and romance department." -- Virginia Kirkus (from the back cover)
Dinny Gordon, Freshman by Anne Emery (1959)
Popular, bright Dinny Gordon completely mystifies her friends by refusing to date. Any one of them would absolutely jump, if they had Dinny's opportunities! But level-headed Dinny has her reasons, and one potent one is the example set by her gorgeous older sister, Roxanne, whose path through life is strewn with the broken hearts of adoring young men.
And Dinny's resolution never wavers, until, suddenly, a charming Southern boy named Curt Beauregard turns up at Rosemont High.
"Readers will find [Dinny's] personality endearing, her independence attractive, and her intelligence stimulating." -- Chicago Sunday Tribune (from the back cover)
And Dinny's resolution never wavers, until, suddenly, a charming Southern boy named Curt Beauregard turns up at Rosemont High.
"Readers will find [Dinny's] personality endearing, her independence attractive, and her intelligence stimulating." -- Chicago Sunday Tribune (from the back cover)
The Paris Hat by Mary Cunningham (1958)

If she hadn't been able to vacation at her Aunt Faith's, Cathy would never have had time to think about being other than a "mother hen"--a role she had had to assume when her mother died. The four youngest Darfields were in camp, and only her twelve-year-old sister, Bettina, was with her. So for this vacation time Cathy was free to dream, to practice her plies and jetes in anticipation of Rex's dates when they would dance together, and to plan a career.
All that was fine until the day a delivery boy arrived with an unexpected, golden, heart-shaped box from Chapeaux de Paris containing an enchanting hat for her beautiful young aunt. The gift could come only from her husband, and implied that Uncle Pat was returning from a diamond hunting venture in Africa and would soon be back in San Francisco. Two years ago another Paris hat had preceded his return from the Air Force, so it looked as through this significant present must be announcing his homecoming. Aunt Faith was stunned, Grandmother furious, and Bettina agog. But Cathy was worried about the family scene Uncle Pat's impeding arrival might touch off at the exact hour Rex was due to meet the family for the first time.
A hidden letter, prowler's footprints in the garden, and other curious happenings further complicated matters. Uncle Pat was notably undependable--Grandmother wouldn't let Aunt Faith forget that--but why should he be so mysterious?
When Rex didn't show up or telephone, Cathy equated him with Uncle Pat--talented, adventures, magnetic, but hardly reliable or realistic. She felt that Walt, her dependable high school pal, wouldn't understand her desire to be other than a "mother hen," but she was sure that Rex would encourage her to follow a ballet career. was Cathy just a hero worshipper as Walt hinted? Her glamorous cousin Gerry, a commercial artist and Cathy's confidante, also warned her that this could be true. A telephone call to Rex started a chain of exciting events that gave Cathy insight into the answer to her career problem, and solved the mystery of the Paris hat. (from the inside flap)
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